LEGISLATION NEWS - Updated August 21, 2010

List of California Animal Related Bills:

S.B. 250 A new legislative alert has been posted on the AKC website at http://www.akc.org/news/index.cfm?article_id=4172. California Senate Bill 250, which seeks to mandate the sterilization of a dog on a second animal control offense, has moved from the inactive file back to the Assembly floor and could be voted on any day. Amendments have been adopted, but they only modify the appeals process and do not alter AKC's fundamental opposition to this legislation.

S.B. 1138 Introduced 2/19 Cedillo
Establishes a Rendering Industry Advisory Board about rendering businesses

S.B. 1176 Introduced 2/18 Aanestad
Involves stray bovi ne animals, horses, mules, or burrows

S.B. 1185 Introduced 2/18 Maldonado
Personal tax deduction for food/supplies for animal adopted during taxable year from qualifying rescues

S.B. 1277 Introduced 2/19 Florez
Lifetime Registry for Animal Abusers

S.B. 1417 Introduced 2/19 Cox/Smyth/Beall
Amends existing law to authorize local gov't to enter into contacts with local humane societies, re: prevention of cruelty to animals or children

S.B. 1473 Introduced 2/19 Wyland
Makes substantial changed to Education code, regarding, among others, humane treatment of animals and people


A.B. 1980 Introduced 2/17 - Hayashi
To not prohibit animal control/humane shelter employee
from giving first aid to animals if proper training has been received

A.B. 2000 Introduced 2/18 Curt Hagman R-60
amends Rabies Law exempts dogs that may have a possible lethal reaction from the vax.
Requires 1 year license renewal

A.B. 2012 Introduced 2/17 Lieu
Makes technical changes to existing animal abuse penalty law

A.B. 2243 Introduced 2/18 Smyth
Amends existing law to add specific search and rescue dogs access without discrimination to hotels, restaurants and public transportation

A.B. 2411 Introduced 2/19 Jones
Adds to the Insurance code a new Part 9, Pet insurance.
Prohibitions of denying on basis of preexisting conditions for certain period of time, provider disclosures, coverage of expenses disclosures

A.B. 2612 Introduced 2/19 ASM CMTE on AG
Licenses animal carcass temporary storage receiving centers to be licensed

A.B. 2716 Introduced 2/19 Mendoza
reduces license fee to pups un